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Flood Mapping

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Flood risk in context: regional estimates vs. property-specific

Is my property in a flood-prone area? What is the risk for my business? How likely 5% of assets to experience flood in the same year? Three questions: three methodologies.

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Insured, Uninsured and the Total economic loss: the difference

How to evaluate the global total economic loss, if the figure calculated based on developed country data is $1 tn per year?

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Climate Risk Management powered by weather data

Climate risk is a financial risk. Floods and Droughts reduce asset and property value, and increase operational costs. Flood is the most hazardous and abundant physical climate risk.

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Flood mapping: predicting unpredictable

An area with greater flood or wildfire risk - means higher re-construction costs, higher insurance liability and higher insurance premiums.

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Integrating physical climate risk into credit risk modelling

Extreme weather catastrophically affects both borrowers and lenders. Statistics show that 40% of small businesses do not reopen after an inundation, and another 25% fail within a year. Additionally, homeowners fail to pay mortgages for 2 years following a flood, especially if they have no flood insurance

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Insurance logic in risk rating & pricing should be used for green finance

Today, the solution we need to support the municipalities is a new financing instrument for anticipation and prevention projects.

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Climate risk knowledge for strategic planning

Once risks are understood, strategic planning focuses on prioritizing urgent investments, establishing a timeline, and mobilizing finance for critical projects with high risk.