February 15, 2025
Is my property in a flood-prone area? What is the risk for my business? How likely 5% of assets to experience flood in the same year? Three questions: three methodologies.
February 15, 2024
Do you use satellite images and weather forecasts? How do you know if flood will happen in over next 5 years? A journey from Data to Risk Knowledge.
January 15, 2024
Physical climate risk assessment is not about predicting the exact future dates of specific events like a weather forecast.
December 15, 2023
Once risks are understood, strategic planning focuses on prioritizing urgent investments, establishing a timeline, and mobilizing finance for critical projects with high risk.
November 15, 2023
Where do you get the data? A Step-by-Step Guide: What You Need to Know
October 15, 2023
What is the actual cost of weather extremes?
Start your physical climate risk management by answering three main questions : WHERE - WHAT - WHEN ? Flood, Heatwaves or Drought ? Already known risk ? Increasing or decreasing ? Which of your assets is exposed ?